Horror at Disney World as boy, two, is dragged into a lagoon by an ALLIGATOR
A two-year-old boy is missing after he was dragged into a lagoon
by an alligator near a Disney World hotel in Orlando - despite his
father's frantic attempts to wrestle his son from the reptile's jaws.
The boy was dragged into the Seven Seas Lagoon near the Grand Floridian
Resort & Spa (inset) around 9.20pm on Tuesday as he paddled in a
foot of water with his family despite 'no swimming' signs being posted
nearby. Alligators are relatively common in the waterways near Disney
resorts but are supposed to be removed if they get too close to guest
areas. The boy's father, from Nebraska, was left bloodied after his
unsuccessful struggle with the seven-foot alligator that vanished into
the lagoon with his son. Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said: 'The
father entered the water and tried to grab the child but he was not
successful in doing so. I'm told that at some point, the mother also
entered the water.' He said that the family had been relaxing on the
beach and the child had been in a play pen. As the child played near the
water with his mother, the alligator attacked. We are not leaving until
we recover the child.'
source ; dailymail
source ; dailymail
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